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Dear Clients,

We are moving to a new office location as of October 1, 2020.

The new office is located at...

3909 Newberry Rd.
Suite D
Gainesville, FL 32607

Please call our new number 352-378-7345.

Please bear with us during the moving period. There may be some disruptions in phone, fax, and scheduling, and things may be a bit chaotic for all of us as we settle into our new space and routines. Thank you for your patience.


Pilates (pronounced Pill-AH-teez) is an 95-year old system of movement education developed and taught by Joseph Pilates. Practiced for years by dancers in New York, the method is now growing in popularity nationwide as baby boomers turn to Pilates for relief from aches, pains, and injuries resulting from years of exercising -or simply years of living

Four basic pieces of equipment provide the total Pilates workout. Most of the exercises are designed to simulate normal functional movement. Slowly and carefully, with the assistance of lightweight springs, therapists work with clients to elongate muscles and improve spinal control. Pilates develops the body's core - those inner abdominal and mid-back muscles that act as the powerhouse of the body. Clients learn to initiate movement from this powerhouse, allowing their arms and legs to move fully on a stable spine. With time and practice strength increases, as do control, concentration, proper mechanics, fluidity, flexibility, and grace. Joints decompress, pain and stiffness decrease, and muscles gradually come alive, resulting in greater command of the body. Each session leaves the participant with a sense of well being, heightened body awareness, and improved self image.

Balanced Body Gainesville Gainesville, Florida